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HomeGiving Back Partner

Giving Back to the Community


In 2013 the Big Sky SHRM Board of Directors decided to combine our Silent Auction fundraiser that supports the National SHRM Foundation with an opportunity for our members to give back to our community as well. Since then we have donated over $4000.00 to local non profits who provide services that support the mission of our Chapter.


In 2015 we expanded the program to include member socials with a fundraising component and in 2016 we added volunteer opportunities to share our HR expertise by putting together workforce readiness training and other services for the clients supported by Mountain Home Montana, discrimination training for Missoula Works and an employer panel for the Pre-ETS annual conference.


If you are interested in volunteering to teach an HR related workshop, provide mentoring for program participants entering the workforce, or to sit on a panel to provide information, please contact Jeanne Stone, Workforce Development/Diversity Director to volunteer or click the Volunteering Button to see upcoming opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunities   Volunteer Interest Form  

2023 Community Partner - Missoula Youth Homes

Big Sky SHRM is excited to join with Missoula Youth homes to provide mentoring and assistance to help them be successful employees in the future. Join us as we provide resume assistance and practice interviews to young adults.  Our active engagement is very relevant to their future successes!

2022 Community Partner - Missoula County Public Schools


Big Sky SHRM is working with the youth of Missoula County Public Schools to provide information and guidance on entering the workforce both while in high school and after high school.

The chapter members will have presentations in the area high schools to provide information on the companies they work for and positions within those companies. Information will include what is expected in those positions and what education would be helpful. This is to help the students make plans for their high school education and potentially what education they may need after high school. Another aspect that will be completed is providing mentorship for the students in helping them developed resumes and hone their interview skills. These will be real world experiences for the students. It is hoped that by having proceeding in this manner that the students will better prepared for life after high school.

The schools have asked the chapter to provide these services on Wednesdays when the schools have block scheduling to allow adequate time for the events to occur and not to rush the chapter members in providing the information. 


Current and Past Organizations:
2023 - Missoula Youth Homes   2022 - Missoula County Public Schools      
2021 - Pre Employment Transition Services   2020 - Missoula Youth Homes
  2019 - DLLC - ESL Program

2018 - Missoula Works
  2017 - YWCA
  2016 - Mountain Home Montana

2015 - Opportunity Resources
  2014 - Joining Community Forces
  2013 - Dress for Success 
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