Big Sky Certification Study Group
Big Sky SHRM hosts a study group to get prepared for the next Certification testing period. Big Sky SHRM strongly supports its members in their efforts to achieve certification.
If you are an HR professional wanting to validate your professional achievement with a certification or a certified HR professional who must take the recertification examination to remain current, the Big Sky SHRM Study Group is for you.
Big Sky SHRM will host its study group again in the spring and fall to assist those who are interested in sitting for their certification exam during the two testing windows.
If you are interested in testing and would like to participate in the study sessions, you will need to have a 2025 Learning System available for use. Big Sky SHRM has a group purchasing discount arrangement for the Learning Systems in the amount of $599 plus $30 for shipping. This is a significant savings from the listed National SHRM Member price. For the print and online version, it is $1055 plus shipping.
Please touch base with Kari Schauss, VP Certification and Education at: if you have questions or need to purchase the 2025 Learning System. She will assist you with the arrangements.